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November 2019 -


Co-founded a virtual try-on Augmented Reality SAAS solution completing a pre-seed investment round.

Co-founder Selar: CV


Virtual try-ons made easy

Selar is a SAAS solution which enables e-commerce retailers to integrate augmented reality try-ons into their own platforms without thinking too much about the technical bit of it. Selar makes use of technologies like OpenCV built on top of ARKit and ARCore to make it available on both the mobile operating systems - Android and iOS. Selar also makes intelligent use of data to provide users with smart recommendations according to their facial/body features. The retailers will have easy subscription options based on their usage making it easily scalable.

Co-founder Selar: Video



Selar makes use of the camera to track and recognise faces and breaks it into a set of vertices forming a mesh. Using this mesh then, accessories like sunglasses, jewellery, tattoos etc can be rendered on top of the face.

Co-founder Selar: About


They are always the most important

Which is why we made it simple for them. As simple as going to the retailer's platform and getting to try products in our try-on view after clicking the try-out button on their platform. That's it! Seamless for the users. Painless for the retailers to integrate.

Co-founder Selar: About
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